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Donate to the Australian Climate Case Today!

Together, we can make sure Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul have their day in court, where they'll fight to protect their islands, culture and communities from rising seas.

  • $75 could fund campaigning and organising costs to help mobilise communities across Australia to win inside and outside the courtroom;
  • $125 could fund travel for the plaintiffs and the legal team to travel to and from the Torres Strait or to court; or
  • $250 could fund expert witness fees to tell the court how rapidly the window is closing on real climate action to save the Torres Strait and prevent further climate harm. 

All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible in Australia.

ABN 16 605 441 638

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Grata Fund Limited 
BSB: 313 140
Account Number: 12 239 644

Please include your full name in the reference and email us at [email protected] so that we can send a receipt for your gift.

If we raise more than the cost of this campaign, your donation will be used to help cover the cost of ongoing, important Grata work. 

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$ 125.00